How AI Can Usher in a New Era of Privacy and Trust
Adam Wells
Product Manager – Google
From AI Hype to Real-World Results: 3 Steps for Canadian Leaders
Brandon Azizi
Vice President of Project X
Blockchain, AI, and Canada’s Tech Future
Claudia Krywiak, CEO of the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI)
AI Governance, Tech Leadership, and the Future of AI
David Van Bruwaene, CEO of Fairly AI
How Can Blockchain Protect your Intellectual Property
Sam Drissi, Blockchain Architect and co-founder of Bipquatum
How Tech/Blockchain can further social good
Audrey Chen, AI student Engineer
How Blockchain Will Transform Healthcare
Fawaz Malik, Cloud Team Lead at Bizbridge and ICP Ambassador
How the “Wireless Revolution” Will Change the Internet!
Scott Sigel, COO of Helium Foundation
The Biggest Opportunity in Crypto Right Now
Stephen Sargeant, Founder and Chief Web Officer of Airdropd